It seems certain that the Federal Reserve will continue to accompany fiscal stimulus with the monetary equivalent in the form of near-zero interest rates and further quantitative easing. 看起来很确定的是美联储将会继续把财政刺激计划和相对应的以近零利率和进一步的量化宽松政策为主要形式货币政策结合起来。
Even if the Fed took the hazardous step of setting a higher inflation target the monetary equivalent of the nuclear option it is unclear it would work. 即便美联储使出险招设定更高的通胀率目标(这招无异于货币政策中的核按钮)起不起作用也是个未知数。
Through the instructions described in the chapter on auto-suggestion, you were definitely informed of the method by which DESIRE may be transmuted into its monetary equivalent. 在自我暗示那章中描述的说明指示,已确切地告诉了你化渴望为对应财富的具体方法。
Paul Frijters, a professor at Queensland University of Technology, has calculated a formula he claims delivers the monetary equivalent of the value of various milestones in life. 昆士兰科技大学的保罗•弗里吉特斯教授计算出了一个据称可用来衡量人生中的里程碑事件的影响所对等的金钱价值的公式。
In chapter two, you were instructed to take six definite, practical steps, as your first move in translating the desire for money into its monetary equivalent. 在第二章中,你已得到指示,要采取六大确切的实际步骤,这是你转化金钱渴望为对应财富的第一个动作。
In an economy without monetary or exchange-rate offsets to austerity, any reduction in spending is likely to lead to at least an equivalent short-run reduction in output ( a multiplier of one). 如果不以货币或汇率政策来抵消紧缩财政的影响,那么至少在短期内,产出的降幅很可能会与支出的降幅相当(乘数为1)。
There comes, now, a statement which will give a better understanding of the importance the principle of auto-suggestion assumes in the transmutation of desire into its physical, or monetary equivalent; 现在要说的一句话,有助于你理解,在化渴望为事实或者化渴望为金钱的过程里,自我暗示这个原则的重要性;
The most direct monetary internationalization benefit is the Seigniorage, which means the international currency issuing country can get real wealth equivalent to the nominal value of currency from other countries. 一国货币国际化最直接的收益是国际铸币税收益,它使发行国可以凭借货币的发行成本堂而皇之地自他国获取与货币票面价值相当的财富。
The traditional monetary theory in China considers that the nature of money is commodity or universal equivalent. The western economics considers that the nature of money is anything which can be accepted universally. 我国传统货币理论认为:货币的本质是商品或一般等价物,而西方经济学则认为:货币的本质是任何被普遍接受的东西。
Violations of the right to life is irreversible, its impossible to through monetary compensation to achieve equivalent. 生命权受到侵害具有不可挽回性,其不可能通过金钱实现等价的赔偿。
The government did not change the monetary policy. They just made the equivalent silver instead of the transportation of tax in kind from south to north. 政府始终没有改变其货币政策,而只是以等价的白银取代原先的实物税收从南至北的运输。
Gold is always a monetary equivalent, petroleum is an important energy in modern society, so gold and oil is particularly important in the world economic development process. 黄金历来是一种货币等价物,石油则是现代社会不可或缺的重要能源,因此黄金和石油在世界经济的发展过程中显得尤为重要。